ME1202 Fluid Mechanics and Machinery QUESTION BANK DOWNLOAD
Fluid Mechanics and Machinery 113303 QUESTION BANK DOWNLOAD
Part A
Unit 1
1. Define fluid.
2. Differentiate between fluid and solid.
3. Define Specific volume
4. Define Specific gravity.
5. Define Viscosity.
6. Define Compressibility.
7. Define vapour pressure.
8. Define Capillarity.
9. Define Surface tension.
10. Differentiate between Absolute and gauge pressures.
11. Mention two pressure measuring instruments.
12. What is peizometer?
13. How manometers are classified.
14. What is pitot static tube?
15. Write down the units for dynamic and kinematic viscosity.
16. State Newton’s law of viscosity.
17. Differentiate between Newtonian and non Newtonian fluid.
18. Differentiate between ideal and real fluid.
19. What is ideal plastic fluid?
20. Define velocity gradient.
21. What is the difference weight density and mass density?
22. What is the difference between dynamic and kinematic viscosity?
23. Differentiate between specific weight and specific volume.
24. Define relative density.
25. What is vacuum pressure?
26. What is absolute zero pressure?
27. Write down the value of atmospheric pressure head in terms of water and Hg.
28. Define stream line.
29. Define path line.
30. Define streak line.
31. Define steady flow.
32. Define uniform flow.
33. Differentiate between laminar and turbulent flow.
34. How will you classify the flow as laminar and turbulent?
35. Differentiate between compressible and incompressible flow.
36. Differentiate between rotational and irrotational flow.
37. Define stream function.
38. Define velocity potential function.
39. Write down continuity equation for compressible and incompressible fluid.
40. Write down continuity equation in three dimensions.
41. Differentiate between local and convective acceleration.
42. Define circulation.
43. Define flow net.
44. Write down Euler’s equation of motion.
45. Write down Bernoulli’s equation of motion for ideal and real fluid.
46. State the assumptions made in Bernoulli’s equation of motion.
47. Mention the applications of Bernoulli’s equation of motion.
48. Mention few discharge measuring devices
49. Draw the venturimeter and mention the parts.
50. Why the divergent cone is longer than convergent cone in venturimeter?
51. Compare the merits and demerits of venturimeter with orifice meter.
52. Why Cd value is high in venturimeter than orifice meter?
53. What is the difference between Pitot tube and Pitot static tube?
54. What is orifice plate?
55. What do you mean by vena contracta?
56. Define coefficient of discharge.
57. Define coefficient of velocity.
58. Define coefficient of contraction.
59. State Buckingham’s Pi Theorem.
60. What is dimensional homogeneity?
61. What is dimensionless number?
62. Mention the methods for dimensional analysis.
63. Mention few important dimensionless numbers.
64. Mention the type of forces acting in moving fluid.
65. Define Reynold’s number.
66. Define Froude’s number.
67. Define Euler’s number.
68. Define Weber’s number.
69. Define Mach’s number.
70. What is the difference between model and prototype?
71. Mention two application of similarity laws
72. Define geometric similarity.
73. Define kinematic similarity.
74. Define dynamic similarity.
75. What is the difference between fluid kinematics and fluid dynamics?
76. Write down Hagen poiseulle's equation
77. Sketch the velocity distribution for laminar flow between parallel plates.
78. Sketch the shear stress distribution for laminar flow between parallel plates
79. Differentiate between Hydraulic Gradient line and Total Energy line.
80. Write down Darcy -weisback's equation.
81. Mention the application of moody diagram.
82. What is the difference between friction factor and coefficient of friction?
83. What do you mean by major energy loss?
84. List down the type of minor energy losses.
85. What is compound pipe?
86. What do you mean by equivalent pipe?
87. What is the condition for maximum efficiency of power transmission?
88. Define boundary layer thickness.
89. What do you mean by boundary layer separation?
90. Define displacement thickness.
91. Define energy thickness.
92. Define momentum thickness.
93. How boundary layers are classified?
94. Define laminar boundary layer
95. Define turbulent boundary layer.
96. Define laminar sub layer.
97. On what basis, the boundary layer is classified as laminar and turbulent?
98. Define drag force.
99. Define lift force.
100. Define turbine.
101. What are the classifications of turbine
102. Define impulse turbine.
103. Define reaction turbine.
104. Differentiate between impulse and reaction turbine.
105. What is the function of draft tube?
106. Define specific speed of turbine.
107. What are the main parameters in designing a Pelton wheel turbine?
108. What is breaking jet in Pelton wheel turbine?
109. What is the function of casing in Pelton turbine
110. Draw a simple sketch of Pelton wheel bucket.
111. What is the function of surge tank fixed to penstock in Pelton turbine?
112. How the inlet discharge is controlled in Pelton turbine?
113. What is water hammer?
114. What do you mean by head race?
115. What do you mean by tail race?
116. What is speed ratio?
117. What is flow ratio?
118. What is the difference between propeller and Kaplan turbine?
119. Mention the parts of Kaplan turbine.
120. Differentiate between inward and outward flow reaction turbine.
121. What is the difference between Francis turbine and Modern Francis turbine?
122. What is the difference between outward and inward flow turbine?
123. What is mixed flow reaction turbine? Give an example.
124. Why draft tube is not required in impulse turbine?
125. How turbines are classified based on head. Give example.
126. How turbines are classified based on flow. Give example
127. How turbines are classified based on working principle. Give example.
128. What does velocity triangle indicates?
129. Draw the velocity triangle for radial flow reaction turbine.
130. Draw the velocity triangle for tangential flow turbine.
131. Mention the type of characteristic curves for turbines.
132. How performance characteristic curves are drawn for turbine.
133. Mention the types of efficiencies calculated for turbine.
134. Define Hydraulic efficiency
135. Define Mechanical efficiency.
136. Define overall efficiency.
137. Define pump.
138. How pumps are classified?
139. Differentiate pump and turbine.
140. Define Rotodynamic pump.
141. Define Positive displacement pump.
142. Differentiate between Rotodynamic and positive displacement pump.
143. Define cavitation in pump.
144. What is the need for priming in pump?
145. Give examples for Rotodynamic pump
146. Give examples for Positive displacement pump.
147. Mention the parts of centrifugal pump.
148. Mention the type of casing used in centrifugal pump.
149. Why the foot valve is fitted with strainer?
150. Why the foot valve is a non return type valve?
151. Differentiate between volute casing and vortex casing.
152. What is the function of volute casing?
153. What is the function of guide vanes?
154. Why the vanes are curved radially backward?
155. What do you mean by relative velocity?
156. What is whirl velocity?
157. What do you mean by absolute velocity?
158. What is the function of impeller?
159. Mention the types of impeller used.
160. Mention the types of efficiencies calculated for pump.
161. Define Hydraulic efficiency
162. Define Mechanical efficiency.
163. Define overall efficiency
164. Define specific speed of pump.
165. Mention the type of characteristic curves for pump
166. How performance characteristic curves are drawn for pump.
167. Mention the parts of reciprocating pump.
168. What is the function of air vessel?
169. What is slip of reciprocating pump?
170. What is negative slip?
171. What is the condition for occurrence of negative slip?
172. What does indicator diagram indicates?
173. What is the difference between actual and ideal indicator diagram?
174. Briefly explain Gear pump.
175. Differentiate between internal gear pump and external gear pump.
176. Briefly explain vane pump.
177. What is rotary pump?
178. Draw the velocity triangle for centrifugal pump.
179. Draw the indicator diagram fro reciprocating pump.
180. What is the amount of work saved by air vessel?
181. Mention the merits and demerits of centrifugal pump.
182. Mention the merits and demerits of reciprocating pump.
183. What is separation in reciprocating pump?
184. How separation occurs in reciprocating pump?
185. Write down the equation for loss of head due to acceleration in reciprocating
186. Write down the equation for loss of head due to friction in reciprocating pump.
187. Differentiate single acting and double acting reciprocating pump.
Part B QUESTIONS (Theory / Derivation)
1. Derive continuity equation in three dimension
2. Derive Bernoulli’s equation from Euler’s equation of motion.
3. Derive an expression for discharge in venturimeter
4. Derive an expression for discharge in orifice meter
5. Derive Hagen poisuielle’s equation for laminar flow through circular pipe.
6. Derive Darcy-weisback equation for flow through pipes
7. Explain the types of similarities.
8. Derive an expression for specific speed for pump.
9. Derive an expression for specific speed for turbine.
10. Explain with neat sketch the working principle of Centrifugal pump
11. Explain with neat sketch the working principle of Reciprocating pump.
12. Explain with neat sketch the working principle of Pelton wheel turbine
13. Explain with neat sketch the working principle of Kaplan turbine
14. Explain with neat sketch the working principle of Reaction turbine
15. Explain with neat sketch the working principle of rotary pump( Gear / Vane pump)
16. Derive the efficiencies in centrifugal pump
17. Derive the amount of work saved by air vessel in reciprocating pump.
Fluid Mechanics and Machinery 113303 QUESTION BANK DOWNLOAD
Part A
Unit 1
1. Define fluid.
2. Differentiate between fluid and solid.
3. Define Specific volume
4. Define Specific gravity.
5. Define Viscosity.
6. Define Compressibility.
7. Define vapour pressure.
8. Define Capillarity.
9. Define Surface tension.
10. Differentiate between Absolute and gauge pressures.
11. Mention two pressure measuring instruments.
12. What is peizometer?
13. How manometers are classified.
14. What is pitot static tube?
15. Write down the units for dynamic and kinematic viscosity.
16. State Newton’s law of viscosity.
17. Differentiate between Newtonian and non Newtonian fluid.
18. Differentiate between ideal and real fluid.
19. What is ideal plastic fluid?
20. Define velocity gradient.
21. What is the difference weight density and mass density?
22. What is the difference between dynamic and kinematic viscosity?
23. Differentiate between specific weight and specific volume.
24. Define relative density.
25. What is vacuum pressure?
26. What is absolute zero pressure?
27. Write down the value of atmospheric pressure head in terms of water and Hg.
28. Define stream line.
29. Define path line.
30. Define streak line.
31. Define steady flow.
32. Define uniform flow.
33. Differentiate between laminar and turbulent flow.
34. How will you classify the flow as laminar and turbulent?
35. Differentiate between compressible and incompressible flow.
36. Differentiate between rotational and irrotational flow.
37. Define stream function.
38. Define velocity potential function.
39. Write down continuity equation for compressible and incompressible fluid.
40. Write down continuity equation in three dimensions.
41. Differentiate between local and convective acceleration.
42. Define circulation.
43. Define flow net.
44. Write down Euler’s equation of motion.
45. Write down Bernoulli’s equation of motion for ideal and real fluid.
46. State the assumptions made in Bernoulli’s equation of motion.
47. Mention the applications of Bernoulli’s equation of motion.
48. Mention few discharge measuring devices
49. Draw the venturimeter and mention the parts.
50. Why the divergent cone is longer than convergent cone in venturimeter?
51. Compare the merits and demerits of venturimeter with orifice meter.
52. Why Cd value is high in venturimeter than orifice meter?
53. What is the difference between Pitot tube and Pitot static tube?
54. What is orifice plate?
55. What do you mean by vena contracta?
56. Define coefficient of discharge.
57. Define coefficient of velocity.
58. Define coefficient of contraction.
59. State Buckingham’s Pi Theorem.
60. What is dimensional homogeneity?
61. What is dimensionless number?
62. Mention the methods for dimensional analysis.
63. Mention few important dimensionless numbers.
64. Mention the type of forces acting in moving fluid.
65. Define Reynold’s number.
66. Define Froude’s number.
67. Define Euler’s number.
68. Define Weber’s number.
69. Define Mach’s number.
70. What is the difference between model and prototype?
71. Mention two application of similarity laws
72. Define geometric similarity.
73. Define kinematic similarity.
74. Define dynamic similarity.
75. What is the difference between fluid kinematics and fluid dynamics?
76. Write down Hagen poiseulle's equation
77. Sketch the velocity distribution for laminar flow between parallel plates.
78. Sketch the shear stress distribution for laminar flow between parallel plates
79. Differentiate between Hydraulic Gradient line and Total Energy line.
80. Write down Darcy -weisback's equation.
81. Mention the application of moody diagram.
82. What is the difference between friction factor and coefficient of friction?
83. What do you mean by major energy loss?
84. List down the type of minor energy losses.
85. What is compound pipe?
86. What do you mean by equivalent pipe?
87. What is the condition for maximum efficiency of power transmission?
88. Define boundary layer thickness.
89. What do you mean by boundary layer separation?
90. Define displacement thickness.
91. Define energy thickness.
92. Define momentum thickness.
93. How boundary layers are classified?
94. Define laminar boundary layer
95. Define turbulent boundary layer.
96. Define laminar sub layer.
97. On what basis, the boundary layer is classified as laminar and turbulent?
98. Define drag force.
99. Define lift force.
100. Define turbine.
101. What are the classifications of turbine
102. Define impulse turbine.
103. Define reaction turbine.
104. Differentiate between impulse and reaction turbine.
105. What is the function of draft tube?
106. Define specific speed of turbine.
107. What are the main parameters in designing a Pelton wheel turbine?
108. What is breaking jet in Pelton wheel turbine?
109. What is the function of casing in Pelton turbine
110. Draw a simple sketch of Pelton wheel bucket.
111. What is the function of surge tank fixed to penstock in Pelton turbine?
112. How the inlet discharge is controlled in Pelton turbine?
113. What is water hammer?
114. What do you mean by head race?
115. What do you mean by tail race?
116. What is speed ratio?
117. What is flow ratio?
118. What is the difference between propeller and Kaplan turbine?
119. Mention the parts of Kaplan turbine.
120. Differentiate between inward and outward flow reaction turbine.
121. What is the difference between Francis turbine and Modern Francis turbine?
122. What is the difference between outward and inward flow turbine?
123. What is mixed flow reaction turbine? Give an example.
124. Why draft tube is not required in impulse turbine?
125. How turbines are classified based on head. Give example.
126. How turbines are classified based on flow. Give example
127. How turbines are classified based on working principle. Give example.
128. What does velocity triangle indicates?
129. Draw the velocity triangle for radial flow reaction turbine.
130. Draw the velocity triangle for tangential flow turbine.
131. Mention the type of characteristic curves for turbines.
132. How performance characteristic curves are drawn for turbine.
133. Mention the types of efficiencies calculated for turbine.
134. Define Hydraulic efficiency
135. Define Mechanical efficiency.
136. Define overall efficiency.
137. Define pump.
138. How pumps are classified?
139. Differentiate pump and turbine.
140. Define Rotodynamic pump.
141. Define Positive displacement pump.
142. Differentiate between Rotodynamic and positive displacement pump.
143. Define cavitation in pump.
144. What is the need for priming in pump?
145. Give examples for Rotodynamic pump
146. Give examples for Positive displacement pump.
147. Mention the parts of centrifugal pump.
148. Mention the type of casing used in centrifugal pump.
149. Why the foot valve is fitted with strainer?
150. Why the foot valve is a non return type valve?
151. Differentiate between volute casing and vortex casing.
152. What is the function of volute casing?
153. What is the function of guide vanes?
154. Why the vanes are curved radially backward?
155. What do you mean by relative velocity?
156. What is whirl velocity?
157. What do you mean by absolute velocity?
158. What is the function of impeller?
159. Mention the types of impeller used.
160. Mention the types of efficiencies calculated for pump.
161. Define Hydraulic efficiency
162. Define Mechanical efficiency.
163. Define overall efficiency
164. Define specific speed of pump.
165. Mention the type of characteristic curves for pump
166. How performance characteristic curves are drawn for pump.
167. Mention the parts of reciprocating pump.
168. What is the function of air vessel?
169. What is slip of reciprocating pump?
170. What is negative slip?
171. What is the condition for occurrence of negative slip?
172. What does indicator diagram indicates?
173. What is the difference between actual and ideal indicator diagram?
174. Briefly explain Gear pump.
175. Differentiate between internal gear pump and external gear pump.
176. Briefly explain vane pump.
177. What is rotary pump?
178. Draw the velocity triangle for centrifugal pump.
179. Draw the indicator diagram fro reciprocating pump.
180. What is the amount of work saved by air vessel?
181. Mention the merits and demerits of centrifugal pump.
182. Mention the merits and demerits of reciprocating pump.
183. What is separation in reciprocating pump?
184. How separation occurs in reciprocating pump?
185. Write down the equation for loss of head due to acceleration in reciprocating
186. Write down the equation for loss of head due to friction in reciprocating pump.
187. Differentiate single acting and double acting reciprocating pump.
Part B QUESTIONS (Theory / Derivation)
1. Derive continuity equation in three dimension
2. Derive Bernoulli’s equation from Euler’s equation of motion.
3. Derive an expression for discharge in venturimeter
4. Derive an expression for discharge in orifice meter
5. Derive Hagen poisuielle’s equation for laminar flow through circular pipe.
6. Derive Darcy-weisback equation for flow through pipes
7. Explain the types of similarities.
8. Derive an expression for specific speed for pump.
9. Derive an expression for specific speed for turbine.
10. Explain with neat sketch the working principle of Centrifugal pump
11. Explain with neat sketch the working principle of Reciprocating pump.
12. Explain with neat sketch the working principle of Pelton wheel turbine
13. Explain with neat sketch the working principle of Kaplan turbine
14. Explain with neat sketch the working principle of Reaction turbine
15. Explain with neat sketch the working principle of rotary pump( Gear / Vane pump)
16. Derive the efficiencies in centrifugal pump
17. Derive the amount of work saved by air vessel in reciprocating pump.
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